b A List of More Waterfalls in Vermont
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The following is a list of additional waterfalls in Vermont that I haven't visited yet or I have made a visit but elected not to create a separate page for the falls for one reason or another (i.e. it was located on private property, it was unimpressive, it was a dam, etc.). If you are looking for the primary list of waterfalls in Vermont that I have visited and documented, visit my Vermont Waterfalls page.

For lists of additional waterfalls that I still need to visit and document in the other New England states, click any of these links:
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VT Alexander Falls unknown unknown Not Listed this is a rumored waterfall; no other information known
VT Amsden Falls unknown Weathersfield Not Listed this an urbanized 5-foot tall waterfall on the North Branch of the Black River; the falls should be visible from VT 131 near its junction with Amsden School Road; GPS = 43.405777, -72.505571
VT Arnold Falls POOR St. Johnsbury Not Listed this is a DAM on the Passumpsic River with some rapids below it; the falls should be visible from Concord Avenue and/or Mill Street
VT Bald Mountain Trail Falls POOR Townshend Not Listed this is a series of small cascades on Negro Brook within Townshend State Park; an access fee is charged (bring cash);
VT Baldin Brook Falls GOOD Wolcott Not Listed this waterfall is on Baldin Brook and is located on PRIVATE PROPERTY; no public access currently allowed
VT Beaver Brook Falls unknown Wilmington Not Listed this is a rumored waterfall on Beaver Brook; no other information known
VT Beaver Meadow Brook Falls unknown Buels Gore Not Listed this is a rumored waterfall on Beaver Meadow Brook; no other information known
VT Beecher Falls POOR Canaan Not Listed this is a set of rapids on the Connecticut River; the rapids should be visible from VT 253; GPS = 45.007525, -71.509622
VT Bellows Falls POOR Bellows Falls Page 27
this is a set of rapids and small cascades on the Connecticut River; I used to believe there was a DAM here, but I don't think that's correct; there are several viewpoints of the falls near US 5 and Bridge Street
VT Benjamin Falls GREAT Berlin Not Listed this is a collection of fine waterfalls on Berlin Pond Brook, but they are all located on PRIVATE PROPERTY; also known as Berlin Falls
VT Birketts Falls POOR Ferrisburgh Not Listed this is a set of unimpressive rapids and small cascades on Little Otter Creek; the falls are visible from Satterly Road; GPS = 44.196474, -73.239059
VT Black Creek Falls POOR East Fairfield Not Listed Black Creek is split into two sections just downstream of Mill Street and there is a waterfall on each of these sections; I can see from Google Maps that at least one of these sections is a set of falls below a DAM; I can't tell if the other section has DAM or not, but it probably does; exploring the falls is likely not possible due to presumed PRIVATE PROPERTY now; the falls are estimated to be 25-feet tall; GPS = 44.784047, -72.861344
VT Black Falls FAIR Montgomery Not Listed this waterfall on Black Falls Brook is located on PRIVATE PROPERTY; I last tried to visit the falls in 2009 but there were NO TRESPASSING signs literally everywhere
VT Black Mountain Falls FAIR West Dummerston Not Listed this waterfall on Black Brook looks slightly impressive, but I don't have accurate enough directions to attempt to go and try to find it
VT Blake Falls FAIR Woodbury Not Listed this is a moderately attractive waterfall on Blake Brook; a short bushwhack is required from VT 14; public access unknown
VT Bolton Falls / Bolton Falls Dam POOR Duxbury & Waterbury Not Listed this is a DAM on the Winooski River; also known as Indian Falls
VT Boltonville Falls POOR Boltonville Not Listed this is a DAM on the Wells River with some cascades below it; the DAM should be visible from the junction of Whitelaw Road and Boltonville Road; GPS = 44.170787, -72.099198
VT Bradford Mill Falls POOR Bradford Not Listed this is a DAM on the Waits River with cascades beside it; this is within the Andrew & Ida Boch Memorial Park
VT Bradley Brook Falls FAIR Warren Not Listed this is a 20-foot cascade on Bradley Brook just below West Hill Road at the junction of West Hill Road and Ellen Lane; GPS = 44.119759, -72.858457
VT Branch Falls, The unknown Enosburg Falls Not Listed this is a rumored waterfall on the Tyler Branch of the Missisquoi River; the falls may be visible or accessible from Tyler Branch Road, but it is possible the falls are surrounded by PRIVATE PROPERTY
VT Breadloaf Falls unknown Ripton Not Listed this waterfall is reportedly very close to the Emily Proctor Lodge on the Long Trail; also spelled Bread Loaf Falls sometimes; no other information known
VT Brigham Falls FAIR Stowe Not Listed these falls are highly likely to be on PRIVATE PROPERTY, but the falls may be viewable from Nebraska Valley Road
VT Bristol Cliffs Falls POOR Bristol Not Listed this is a highly seasonal waterfall on an unnamed watercourse; this is one of the tallest waterfalls in New England (when it is actually flowing, of course); one website read emailed me to tell me that a good view can be had from the entrance to Sycamore Park off Route 116 in Bristol, from where you can observe the falls through binoculars or a spotting scope. This person also believes you should be able to bushwhack to the falls, but suspects it would be very difficult. It is also possible that you may run into PRIVATE PROPERTY if you try to bushwhack to the falls
VT Bromley Brook Falls unknown Manchester Not Listed this is a rumored waterfall on Bromley Brook; no other information known; there is a fair chance this is the same place as "Benson's Holes"
VT Brownsville Trail Cascade GOOD Brownsville Not Listed this is a tall and noteworthy falls on an unnamed stream on the slopes of Mount Ascutney within Mt. Ascutney State Park; access is via the Brownsville Trail from VT 44
VT Butternut Bend Falls unknown North Pawlet Not Listed this is a rumored waterfall on the Mettawee River that is likely to be on PRIVATE PROPERTY; also known as "Mettawee Falls"; this may or may not be the same waterfall as "Mettawee Gorge Falls"
VT Butternut Hill Cascades unknown Waitsfield Not Listed this is a rumored waterfall on the Mad River that is highly likely to be located on PRIVATE PROPERTY; however, you may be able to see some falls both upstream and downstream from Butternut Hill Road
VT Button Falls unknown North Pawlet Not Listed this is a waterfall on the Mettawee River; the falls appear to be surrounded by PRIVATE PROPERTY; GPS = 43.392790, -73.224221; a portion of the falls may be visible from Button Falls Road, but I doubt it
VT Cadys Falls POOR Morrisville Not Listed this is a DAM on the Lamoille River; there are also some rapids and small cascades either upstream or downstream (I'm not sure which) of the DAM that are sometimes called Cadys Falls; take note that Cadys Falls this is NOT another name for Terrill Gorge (those falls are something completely different); Cadys Falls is also known as Gates Falls and Lower Falls
VT Calavale Brook Cascades unknown Eden Not Listed this is a rumored waterfall on Calavale Brook; perhaps these coordinates represent the location: GPS = 44.790155, -72.583718
VT Candle Mill Village Falls unknown unknown Not Listed rumored waterfall; no other information known
VT Carver Falls Cemetery Cascade FAIR West Haven Not Listed this is a seasonal waterfall on a tributary of the Poultney River; access via Carver Falls Cemetery Road
VT Carwash Falls FAIR Smugglers Notch Not Listed this is a tall but very seasonal waterfall visible on VT 108 near Smuggler’s Notch; there really isn't anywhere safe to park nearby
VT Cascade, The-Hartford unknown Hartford Not Listed this is a rumored waterfall; no other information known
VT Cascade, The-Brattleboro FAIR Brattleboro Not Listed this is a rumored waterfall; also known as Chase's Cascade; no other information known
VT Cascade, The-Fairlee unknown Fairlee Not Listed this is a rumored waterfall on Big Brook; no other information known
VT Cascade, The-Wallingford unknown Wallingford Not Listed this is a rumored waterfall; also known as Crystal Falls; no other information known
VT Cascades at Union Village Dam Project FAIR Union Village Not Listed there are several cascades and small falls on the Omponompanoosuc River here (all are roadside or within 0.1 mile)
VT Castleton Falls unknown Castleton Not Listed this is a rumored waterfall on Gully Brook; there is a chance this is actually Gully Brook Falls #1 or Gully Brook Falls #2
VT Chaffee Falls GREAT Pittsford Not Listed a 0.5 mile hike is required to reach this series of falls on Furnance Brook; the trail to the falls is part of the Pittsford Trail Network; also known as Furnance Brook Falls
VT Chamberlin Mill Bridge Falls FAIR Lyndon Not Listed there are several falls on South Wheelock Branch here; access via Chamberlin Bridge Road near its junction with Acorn Lane
VT Chateaugay Falls unknown Bridgewater Not Listed this is a rumored waterfall; no other information known
VT Copper's Falls POOR North Pawlet Not Listed this is a set of rapids and small cascades on the Mettawee River; the falls may be visible or accessible from VT 30, but there does appear to be PRIVATE PROPERTY surrounding the falls
VT Corinth Falls unknown Corinth Not Listed this is a waterfall on Cookville Branch; the falls may be visible from Grist Mill Road; GPS = 44.044678, -72.335595
VT Coventry Falls FAIR Coventry Not Listed this is a small set of falls totaling about 10-12 feet on the Black River; the falls are located on PRIVATE PROPERTY but the owner has historically granted permission to visit when asked
VT Cow Meadows Ledges FAIR Newbury Not Listed this waterfall is allegedly seasonal and also located on PRIVATE PROPERTY
VT Crossett Brook Falls unknown Duxbury Not Listed this waterfall is located on Crossett Brook but is located on PRIVATE PROPERTY; the upper falls are nearby and you can visit those
VT Crystal Cascade unknown Barnet Not Listed this is a rumored waterfall; no other information known
VT Crystal Lake Falls POOR Barton Not Listed this falls supposedly consists of a DAM along with some natural cascades on the Glover River or Willoughy Brook (I'm not sure which); I believe the access is either via Church Street or Lake Street
VT Danby Falls unknown Danby Not Listed this is a rumored waterfall; no other information known
VT Danby Waterslide FAIR Danby Not Listed this cascade on Mill Brook is located on PRIVATE PROPERTY, although you can partially see it from Brook Street; no public access is currently allowed; also known as Mill Brook Falls
VT Dead Creek Falls
(picture) camera icon
GOOD Swanton Not Listed these impressive 30-foot falls on Dead Creek are most likely located on PRIVATE PROPERTY, although there is a slim chance they are on land that is part of a Wildlife Management Area ('WMA'); 0.2 mile walk
VT Devil's Gulch Cascades FAIR Belvidere Not Listed this is a series of several falls on an unnamed stream; a moderately difficult hike of 2.3 miles one-way is required; I believe access is via the Long Trail
VT Deep Rocks unknown East Poultney Not Listed this is a rumored waterfall on the Poultney River; no other information known; there is a chance there is another name for these falls
VT Devil's Stair Falls unknown Searsburg Not Listed this is a waterfall on Devil's Stair Brook or Bond Brook (I'm not sure which); no other information known
VT Dewey's Mills Falls POOR Hartford Not Listed this is a DAM on the Ottauquechee River that has some cascades below it; the DAM and falls may be accessible from Deweys Mills Road, but there's a chance this area is PRIVATE PROPERTY; GPS = 43.641126, -72.406969
VT Dodge Falls POOR Ryegate Not Listed supposedly believed to be a DAM, but I have not confirmed this
VT Dog River Falls unknown Northfield Not Listed this is a rumored set of very small cascades on the Dog River; the falls are close to the Northfield Covered Bridge
VT Downer Glen GREAT Manchester Page 25
a very tough bushwhack will lead you to several good falls on Bourne Brook; this is one of the biggest waterfall adventures you can take in Vermont; do not underestimate the difficulty of visiting these falls, and I do not recommend bushwhacking here solo in case something goes wrong
VT Duck Brook Cascades GOOD Bolton Not Listed this is a series of small falls and cascades on Duck Brook; the falls are downstream of the Duck Brook Shelter on the blue-blazed "Old Long Trail" (not to be confused with the official Long Trail, which was rerouted in 2015 and now avoids this area); the cascades drop a total of 100+-feet allegedly; hiking to the falls is estimated at 1.2-1.3 miles one-way; the trailhead for the Old Long Trail is on Stage Road; I tried to visit in June 2017 but found the trail to be incredibly overgrown (I gave up and turned around after hiking through thick brush for 0.25 mile; I also scared a moose that was lying down); because this is no longer the Long Trail, it is likely that the trail and these falls will drop into relative obscurity
VT Dugway Falls unknown South Wallingford Not Listed this is a rumored waterfall; no other information known
VT Dutton Falls unknown Ryegate Not Listed this is a rumored waterfall; no other information known
VT East Barnet Falls POOR East Barnet Not Listed this is a DAM on the Passumpsic River; also known as Roys Mills Falls; GPS = 44.326600, -72.035971; the falls should be visible from Cannon Lane and/or Comerford Dam Road
VT East Calais Cascades FAIR East Calais Not Listed these cascades on the Kingsbury Branch of the Winooski River require a short but moderately difficult bushwhack
VT East Hardwick Falls POOR East Hardwick Not Listed this is supposedly a set of rapids below a DAM on the Lamoille River
VT Elm Brook Falls unknown Fairfield Not Listed this is a rumored waterfall on Elm Brook; no other information known
VT Enosburg Falls POOR Enosburg Falls Not Listed this is a DAM on the Missisquoi River; access should be possible via Duffy Hill Road
VT Evarts Falls POOR Evarts Not Listed this is a rumored waterfall on the Ottaquechee River; it is possible that this waterfall was drowned by the construction of a DAM downstream
VT Fall Brook Falls (Danby) unknown Danby Not Listed this is a rumored waterfall on Fall Brook; no other information known
VT Fall Brook Falls (West Dummerston) GREAT West Dummerston Not Listed this impressive waterfall on Fall Brook is located on PRIVATE PROPERTY; no public access allowed; also known as Starbrook Falls and Staubbach Falls
VT Fall on Waterbury River POOR Lower Village Not Listed this is a DAM on the Waterbury River, although it is supposedly pretty
VT Falls Bridge Falls FAIR Williamstown Not Listed this is a 20+ foot cascade on Martin Brook; access via Falls Bridge Road; the falls should be near roadside
VT Falls Brook Falls (Hancock) FAIR Hancock Not Listed this is a rumored waterfall on Falls Brook; the falls may or may not be accessible from Bingo Brook Road
VT Falls Brook Falls (Killington) unknown Killington Not Listed this is a rumored waterfall on Falls Brook; no other information known
VT Falls Brook Falls (Sharon) unknown Sharon Not Listed this is a rumored waterfall; no other information known
VT Falls, The (Guildhall) POOR Guildhall Not Listed supposedly a set of rapids, but I have not confirmed this
VT Falls, The (Fair Haven) POOR Fair Haven Not Listed this is a small waterfall on the Castleton River; the falls are visible by looking downstream from a bridge on Main Street (VT 4A)
VT Falls, The (East Arlington) unknown East Arlington Not Listed this is a waterfall on Fayville Branch that appears to be surrounded by PRIVATE PROPERTY; GPS = 43.059510, -73.139615; there is a slim chance the falls are partially viewable from Old Mill Road, but I doubt it
VT Falls in South Lincoln FAIR South Lincoln Not Listed this is a 6-foot tall waterfall on the New Haven River; this may or may not be the same waterfall as "Jackman Falls"; access via Ripton Road
VT Fifteen Mile Falls POOR Waterford Not Listed this was a set of rapids on the Connecticut River, but they were destroyed by the construction of a DAM downstream; also known as Mullikens Pitch
VT Flower Brook Cascade FAIR Pawlet Not Listed the actual name of these falls on Flower Brook may actually be Flower Brook Falls; the falls are part-DAM and part cascades through a gorge; although this can hardly be called a natural waterfall, it does look like a pretty spot and I have seen some lovely photographs of the site
VT Foster's Fall FAIR Stowe Not Listed this is a very small waterfall and swimming hole on the West Branch of the Waterbury River; acccess via Notchbrook Road; the falls and hole should be close to roadside
VT Frasers Falls POOR Ferrisburgh Not Listed this is a series of small cascades on Little Otter Creek; a short walk is required and a short bushwhack is optional for additional views
VT Frazer Falls POOR Williston Not Listed this waterfall on an unnamed stream drops about 20 feet and is located on PRIVATE PROPERTY; I have in my notes that I visited here in 2002 and was not impressed, however I don't remember this at all; the falls may be partially or fully visible from the road (but I'm not positive on that)
VT Freeman Brook Falls unknown Warren Not Listed this waterfall is on Freeman Brook and is near the Warren Store; this may be a swimming hole
VT Furnace Brook Falls POOR Pittsfield Not Listed this waterfall on Furnace Brook looks slightly impressive per photographs I have seen, but it may just be rapids/cascades for kayakers; there is a small chance this may actually be the same thing as Chaffee Falls
VT Galbraith Falls FAIR Barnet Not Listed this waterfall on Water Andric (that's the name of the stream, apparently) looks semi-attractive per a postcard I have seen, but I don't have good directions currently
VT Garland's Bridge Cascade POOR Lincoln Not Listed this is a 3-foot tall waterfall on the New Haven River
VT Gates Falls unknown Montgomery Not Listed this waterfall on Black Falls Brook is located on PRIVATE PROPERTY; no public access at this time
VT Gidding's Brook Falls unknown Hubbardton Not Listed these falls on Giddings Brook are rumored to lie on PRIVATE PROPERTY
VT Gihon River Falls FAIR Johnson Not Listed this is a waterfall on the Gihon River; the falls are partially viewable from VT 100C, but the best views are reserved for the landowner who owns a house directly adjacent to the falls; there may be a publicly accessible path between this house and the next house (look at Street View on Google Maps and you can see what I mean); GPS = 44.638680, -72.668325
VT Glen Falls (East Braintree) unknown East Braintree Not Listed this is a rumored waterfall; no other information known
VT Glory Hole POOR Whitingham Not Listed this is a spillway close to the Harriman Dam; nothing about this is natural, but it is still a pretty sight to see when water is flowing into the hole on all sides; this is found at the southwestern end of the Harriman Reservoir
VT Granville Cascades unknown Granville Not Listed this is a waterfall on Sandusky Brook that is supposedly located on PRIVATE PROPERTY
VT Granville Notch Falls GOOD Granville Not Listed these waterfalls on a tributary of Alder Meadow Brook are located off the east side of VT 100 a bit north of Moss Glen Falls-Granville; the falls are supposedly visible from the road only in high water; a 0.1 mile hike or bushwhack may be required to reach the falls; it is unlikely there is a developed parking pulloff for these falls
VT Great Falls (Charleston) FAIR Charleston Not Listed these falls on the Clyde River are also known as "Great Falls of the Clyde River" and Perkins Falls; access is via Great Falls Road and take note that there are several possible vantage points; the falls may also be accessible by bushwhacking from VT 105; there appears to be lots of cascades below a DAM here
VT Great Falls (Lyndonville) POOR Lyndonville Not Listed this is a DAM on the Passumpsic River that has some cascades below it; there is another set of cascades about 400 feet downstream of the DAM as well; I am not sure if there is public access to this area, since it appears as though there is a sandpit on one side of the falls and some other buildings on the other side of the river; GPS = 44.500987, -71.998150
VT Grist Mill Falls POOR Manchester Not Listed this is a DAM with tiny cascades below it on the West Branch of the Battenkill River (which is sometimes spelled Batten Kill); access is via the local park called 'Factory Point Town Green'; a short walk is required
VT Hagar Brook Falls unknown unknown Not Listed there are several waterfalls on Hagar Brook (also called Mill Brook), but all of them are currently located on PRIVATE PROPERTY; the falls are also known as Nancy Falls and Harmon's Mint Falls; if access were actually allowed, it would be via a short hike from VT 30
VT Halifax Gorge unknown Halifax Not Listed these falls on the East Branch of the North River may or may not be accessible from VT 112; GPS = 42.746311, -72.743546
VT Halpin Bridge Cascades POOR Middlebury Not Listed this is a series of small waterfalls close to the Halpin Bridge (a wooden covered bridge); access is via Halpin Covered Bridge Road; views of the falls are supposedly limited
VT Halpins Falls unknown Middlebury Page 39
these falls on Muddy Branch are supposedly located on PRIVATE PROPERTY; there is a small chance that the falls are partially visible from Halpin Covered Bridge Road, but I doubt it
VT Hardwick Falls unknown Hardwick Not Listed it is believed that this waterfall on the Lamoille River was destroyed to "create flood retention walls"
VT Hartshorn Falls GOOD Warren Not Listed this is a series of waterfalls and swimming holes on Lincoln Brook on PRIVATE PROPERTY; the owner of the property emailed me in August 2018 and said that the public is not currently welcome due to the amount of trash, dog poop, and overall traffic experienced the last few years
VT Haystack Falls GOOD Wilmington Not Listed a postcard that I have seen of these falls shows great promise, but I have no idea where to find these falls
VT Hemlock Falls unknown Pownal Not Listed this is a rumored waterfall on Hemlock Brook; no other information known
VT Hendrix Falls unknown Westfield Not Listed this is a rumored waterfall; no other information known
VT Hidden Falls FAIR Brownsville Not Listed one of several seasonal falls on the slopes of Mt. Ascutney; access via the yellow-blazed Bicentennial Trail, which is one of the least used hiking routes up the mountain
VT Highgate Falls POOR Highgate Not Listed this is a set of falls below a DAM on the Missisquoi River; the falls are also known as Potters Falls and Keyes Falls; some or all of the falls should be visible from Highgate Road (VT 207); GPS = 44.934230, -73.047761
VT Hippie Hole POOR Montgomery Not Listed there is a lot of conflicting information on the web as to exactly where Hippie Hole is-some sources say it is on West Hill Brook (near GPS = 44.898650, -72.649246) and some say it is on the Trout River; if it is on the Trout River, I am 99% sure there are not any real waterfalls (I think it's just a swimming hole); to reach the Hippie Hole that is supposedly on the Trout River, I have heard that you park at the ballfield on VT 118 (North Main Street) that is across from West Hill Road
VT Horseshoe Falls FAIR Moretown Not Listed this is supposedly a small falls on the Mad River that is often enjoyed by whitewater kayakers; there is a chance that these falls are surrounded by PRIVATE PROPERTY, but access may be possible from Lovers Lane and/or VT 100B; GPS = 44.297446, -72.699341
VT Horton Brook Falls unknown North Clarendon Not Listed this is a rumored waterfall on Horton Brook; no other information known
VT Hubbell's Falls POOR Williston Not Listed this is a set of small falls below a DAM on the Winooski River; also known as Hubbells Falls and Hubbel's Falls; the DAM and falls should be visible from Park Street / Essex Road (VT 2A); GPS = 44.482177, -73.114316
VT Hulgate Falls FAIR Milton Not Listed this is a DAM on the Lamoille River, but there are plans currently being developed to potentially remove the DAM (Peterson Dam); GPS = 44.638471, -73.162577
VT Hungerford Brook Falls unknown Highgate Not Listed this waterfall on Hungerford Brook is supposedly located on PRIVATE PROPERTY
VT Hunt Mill unknown West Haven Not Listed this is a rumored waterfall on Hubbardton Creek; no other information known
VT Huntington Falls / Huntington Falls Dam POOR Weybridge Page 38
this is a large DAM on Otter Creek that was built right on top of a natural watefall; there are some cascades directly below the DAM
VT Hutchins Bridge Falls FAIR Montgomery Not Listed these are cascades on the South Branch of the Trout River; the falls should be visible from roadside on Hutchins Bridge Road
VT Hydes Falls POOR East Highgate Not Listed this is a set of rapids on the Missisquoi River; the rapids should be clearly visible from VT 78; also known as Powells Falls; GPS = 44.931411, -72.990094
VT Ingrams Falls unknown Middlebury Not Listed this is a rumored waterfall on the Middlebury River; no other information known
VT Irasburg Falls unknown Irasburg Not Listed this is a rumored waterfall on the Black River; no other information known
VT Ithiel Falls POOR Johnson Not Listed this is a set of rapids on the Lamoille River; I visited these rapids in 2002 and was not really impressed; GPS = 44.648619, -72.725997
VT Jackman Falls POOR South Lincoln Not Listed this is supposedly an unimpressive set of cascades on the New Haven River; there's a small chance this is actually a DAM; the cascades should be at least partially visible from Grimes Road between its junction with Mill Road and South Lincoln Road; there's a chance this is the same waterfall as "Falls in South Lincoln"
VT Jeannette Falls unknown Sharon Not Listed this is a rumored waterfall; no other information known
VT Jericho Brook Falls POOR Hartford Not Listed I visited these small cascades on Jericho Brook in 2002 and I was not impressed; the falls are visible through the trees on VT 14 near Jericho Road; GPS = 43.689647, -72.399646
VT Joes Brook Falls POOR Danville Not Listed this appears to be a set of falls below a DAM on Joes Brook; the falls should be visible from Keiser Pond Road and/or the Lamoille Valley Trail near its junction with US-2
VT Joe's Pond Falls
(photo to be added soon)
FAIR Danville Not Listed this is a series of cascades and horsetails below a DAM; views from roadside are limited and are partially obscured by vegetation and a black gas pipe, but it is possible to get down to the base of the falls (I haven't done it myself, but I have seen two fisherman down there with my own eyes)
VT Journey's End GOOD Johnson Not Listed a Vermont River Conservancy project with the support from the town of Johnson and many donors conserved this small waterfall and swimming hole on Foote Brook; access is via a "15 minute hike" from Plot Road southeast of Foote Brook Road; here is a rough guess as to where to start: 44.653476, -72.683792; more information can be found on the Vermont River Conservancy website.
VT Kelly River Falls FAIR Belvidere or Waterville? Not Listed these falls on the North Branch of the Lamoille River could be impressive, but the site is supposedly on PRIVATE PROPERTY; public access is allegedly allowed, as long as the public continues to respect the area; access should be possible via VT 109 near its junction with Smithville Road
VT Kelly Stand Road Cascades POOR East Kansas Not Listed this is a small series of cascades on Roaring Branch that is roadside or near-roadside; access via Kelly Stand Road; also called Kelly Stand Falls
VT King's Falls unknown Springfield Not Listed this is a rumored waterfall on King's Falls Stream; access may or may not be possible from Spencer Hollow Road, although this is very close to a prison so that's unlikely
VT Kingsley Grist Mill Falls unknown North Clarendon Not Listed this waterfall is on the Mill River and is upstream of Lower Clarendon Gorge; the trailhead is at the corner of East Street and Gorge Road; the falls are next to the Kinglsey Grist Mill, and are supposedly only viewable from a distance
VT Latchis Falls unknown Brattleboro Not Listed this is a rumored waterfall; no other information known
VT Ledge Falls unknown North Clarendon Not Listed this is a rumored waterfall; no other information known
VT Leicester River Falls POOR Salisbury Not Listed this is a waterfall on the Leicester River; the falls may or may not be visible from Maple Street
VT Lewis Creek Falls unknown North Ferrisburgh Not Listed this is a waterfall on Lewis Creek that may or may not be visible from Champlin Hill Road and/or Old Hollow Road; it is very possible that the falls are surrounded by PRIVATE PROPERTY
VT Lincoln Gap Falls unknown Warren Not Listed this is a rumored waterfall on Lincoln Brook; no other information known
VT Little Falls (Williamstown) unknown Williamstown Not Listed this is a rumored waterfall; no other information known
VT Little Falls (Lyndon) POOR Lyndon Not Listed this is a DAM on the Passumpsic River; GPS = 44.509547, -71.994924
VT Little Falls (Milton) POOR Milton Not Listed this is a set of cascades a short distance below Clark's Falls on the Lamoille River; access should be via Ritchie Avenue
VT Londonderry Falls unknown unknown Not Listed this is a rumored waterfall on the Winhall River; no other information known
VT Lower Blake Falls unknown Woodbury Not Listed this is a rumored waterfall on Kingsbury Branch; access may or may not be possible from VT 14
VT Lower Harmon Falls unknown Rupert Not Listed this is a rumored waterfall; no other information known
VT Lower Moulton Falls unknown Warren Not Listed this is a rumored waterfall; no other information known
VT Lower Roaring Brook Falls unknown East Wallingford Not Listed this is a rumored waterfall on Roaring Brook; no other information known
VT Lulls Brook Gorge POOR Hartland Not Listed I visited these falls on Lulls Brook in 2002 and I was not impressed; there is a slim chance I missed a part of these falls when I visited; the falls are near Martinsville Road
VT Lyman Falls POOR Bloomfield Not Listed this is a set of rapids on the Connecticut River; it is likely the falls are surrounded by PRIVATE PROPERTY; GPS = 44.777485, -71.595412
VT Madbush Falls GREAT Waitsfield Not Listed this is an attractive falls and a good swimming hole on Folsom Brook; it is likely that at least one side of the falls is located on PRIVATE PROPERTY; also known as Folsom Brook Falls
VT Manley Falls POOR Milton Not Listed this is a set of rapids on the Lamoille River; this is another waterfall that was affected by the construction of the Peterson Dam; if the DAM was removed, these falls could have some potential
VT Marble Brook Falls unknown Danby Not Listed this is a rumored waterfall on Marble Brook
VT Marble Quarry Waterfall POOR Dorset Not Listed this is a two-tiered man-made waterfall on an unnamed stream that dumps into the Norcross-West Marble Quarry; come here more to swim in the quarry rather than just visiting the falls; this is located on n PRIVATE PROPERTY, so make sure to leave no trace when you visit
VT Matthewson Falls unknown Barton Not Listed this is a rumored waterfall; no other information known
VT May Pond Brook Flume POOR Barton Not Listed these falls on May Brook are located on PRIVATE PROPERTY; you can supposedly see the top of the cascade from Pageant Park Road
VT McIndoe Falls POOR Barnet Not Listed just a small set of cascades or rapids below a DAM
VT McLaughlin Falls
(picture) camera icon
GOOD Mendon Not Listed this waterfall on Eddy Brook is located on PRIVATE PROPERTY; also known as Wheelerville Falls; this is a beautiful waterfall, and my hope that one day it is conserved by a land trust or another nonprofit organization so that the general public may visit and enjoy it
VT Mechanicsville Falls POOR Hinesburg Not Listed this is a rumored waterfall on Patrick Creek that appears to be located behind the Iroquois Manufacturing Company on Richmond Road; there is a chance this is the same falls as Pauls Falls; public access to these falls is unknown
VT Mettawee Gorge Falls POOR Pawlet Not Listed this is a small cascade on the Mettawee River; access via VT 153
VT Michigan Brook Falls unknown unknown Not Listed this is a rumored waterfall on Michigan Brook; no other information known
VT Middle Joiner Brook Falls FAIR Bolton Not Listed this is a rumored waterfall(s) on Joiner Brook that is almost certainly located on PRIVATE PROPERTY; based on Google Maps, there appears to be several sets of cascades on this stream upstream of the Bolton Potholes; access will be via the Bolton Valley Access Road (assuming the public is welcome, which is unlikely); here are some locations of the falls: 44.376991, -72.873123 and 44.378342, -72.874131
VT Middlebury Gap Falls unknown Hancock Not Listed this is a rumored waterfall; no other information known
VT Middlesex Gorge POOR Middlesex Not Listed this is a set of cascades below a DAM; overall, I find this to be an unattractive site
VT Middlesex Narrows POOR Middlesex Not Listed this is a large DAM on the Winooski River
VT Mill Brook Cascades FAIR East Haven Not Listed I suspect that these falls on Mill Brook are located on PRIVATE PROPERTY; access may or may not be possible via VT 114 and/or Lost Nation Road
VT Mill Brook Falls (Fayston) POOR Fayston Not Listed this is a small waterfall on Mill Brook; the falls should be close to Mill Brook Road (VT 17)
VT Mill Brook Falls (Jamaica) FAIR Jamaica Not Listed may be worthwhile, but running into PRIVATE PROPERTY is almost a certainty
VT Mill Brook Falls (Jericho) GOOD Jericho Not Listed these cascades are supposedly close to Tarbox Rd; when I tried to find them in 2002, I could not find a trailhead; there is high likelihood these falls are located on PRIVATE PROPERTY
VT Mill Brook Falls (Westfield) FAIR Westfield Not Listed this is a series of small cascades on Mill Brook; access to the falls is possible from School Street or the Millbrook Campground
VT Mill Brook Falls (Rawsonville) unknown Rawsonville Not Listed this is a rumored waterfall on Mill Brook that is supposedly located on PRIVATE PROPERTY
VT Mill Brook Falls (Weathersfield) unknown Weathersfield Not Listed this is a rumored waterfall on Mill Brook; no other information known
VT Mill Brook Falls (Wells) unknown Wells Not Listed this is a rumored waterfall on Mill Brook; no other information known
VT Mill Brook Falls (Westmore) unknown Westmore Not Listed this is a rumored waterfall on Mill Brook; no other information known
VT Mill River Falls (Georgia) FAIR Georgia Not Listed looks slightly promising, but may have PRIVATE PROPERTY issues
VT Mill River Falls (St. Albans Bay) GOOD St. Albans Bay Not Listed this is a 10-foot waterfall on the Mill River within the Mill River Falls Natural Area
VT Milton Falls unknown Milton Not Listed this is a DAM on the Lamoille River that has many cascadses below it; publis access unknown; GPS = 44.636864, -73.118666
VT Mistral's Cascades FAIR Manchester Not Listed these falls on Bromley Brook are 0.1 mile downstream of Tollgate Falls; the falls appear to only be visible to patrons of the highly-rated French restaurant that is on-site called Mistral's At Toll Gate
VT Molly's Falls GREAT Marshfield Page 47
visiting these falls on Molly's Brook requires a moderate but short bushwhack off Power Plant Road; the total drop estimated at 150 feet
VT Montpelier Falls POOR Montpelier Not Listed this is a very small DAM on the Winooski River; the DAM should be visible from both Main Street (VT 12) and Memorial Drive (US-2); GPS = 44.258192, -72.577903
VT Moretown Falls POOR Moretown Not Listed this is a set of rapids and small cascades on the Mad River; I visited in 2002 and was not impressed; the falls are close to the junction of Fletcher Road and VT 100B; GPS = 44.251099, -72.762159
VT Moretown Gorge Cascades POOR Moretown Not Listed this is a set of cascades on th Mad River within an impressive gorge; access should be possible via Fletcher Road; this may or may not be the same falls as "Moretown Falls"
VT Morrill Brook Falls POOR Walden Not Listed this is a set of several small cascades on Morrill Brook; access is via Bayley-Hazen Road near Taylor Bridge
VT Morrisville Falls POOR Morrisville Not Listed this is a small set of cascades below a DAM on the Lamoille River; GPS = 44.561732, -72.601912
VT Mossy Brook Falls FAIR Lemington Not Listed this waterfall on Mossy Brook can be seen on a hike along the Mount Monadnock Trail (the Mount Monandock in Vermont and not the one in New Hampshire); hiking to the falls is estimated at 1.8 miles one-way and a fair amount of elevation gain is involved; while you are in the area, you should also cross over into New Hampshire and visit Beaver Brook Falls in Colebrook
VT Mount Anthony Falls unknown unknown Not Listed this is a rumored waterfall; no other information known
VT Mount Tabor Falls unknown East Dorset Not Listed this is a rumored waterfall; no other information known
VT Mullikens Pitch POOR Waterford Not Listed supposedly underwater due to the presence of believed to be a DAM, but I have not confirmed this
VT Munsons Falls FAIR Manchester Not Listed this is a rumored waterfall on Munsons Brook; there is a high probability that these falls are located on PRIVATE PROPERTY
VT Natural Bridge Falls unknown Dorset Not Listed this is a rumored waterfall on Gulf Brook that passes through a natural bridge (a rarety in Vermont)
VT Nelson Brook Gorge Falls unknown Orange Not Listed this waterfall on Nelson Brook is almost certainly located on PRIVATE PROPERTY
VT Neshobe Falls POOR Brandon Not Listed this is a set of cascades directly below a DAM on the Neshobe River; access via US 7
VT New Haven Mills POOR New Haven Not Listed this is a set of rapids on the New Haven River; the rapids should be visible from River Road, Munger Street, and/or Cove Road; GPS = 44.092760, -73.106887
VT Niagara Falls unknown Reading Not Listed this is a rumored waterfall on the North Branch of the Black River; access may be possible from Niagara Street; there is a good chance the falls are surrounded by on PRIVATE PROPERTY
VT Nichols Falls unknown Danby Not Listed this is a rumored waterfall; no other information known
VT North Breton Brook Cascades GREAT East Hubbardton Not Listed this is a series of at least five waterfalls on North Breton Brook (also known as North Britain Brook); a moderately difficult hike is required to reach all the falls
VT North Folk Woodbury Falls unknown Woodbury Not Listed this is a rumored waterfall on the North Fork of Cooper Brook; access may be possible by bushwhacking from VT 14, although I'm not sure where to start; the falls may be on PRIVATE PROPERTY
VT North Hartland Falls FAIR North Hartland Not Listed this is a DAM with some cascades directly below it on the Ottauquechee River; I visited in 2002 and was not too impressed; GPS = 43.593565, -72.349302
VT North River Falls unknown Whitingham Not Listed this is a rumored waterfall on the East Branch of the North River; no other information known
VT Okanee Falls POOR Waterbury Not Listed these falls on the Little River were supposedly drowned when a DAM was constructed downstream; also known as Little River Falls
VT Oldcott Falls POOR Wilder Not Listed this could be a set of rapids, but most likely this is a DAM
VT Old Falls POOR Rutland Not Listed this is a DAM with some cascades directly below it on Otter Creek; GPS = 43.603091, -73.012290
VT Old Marsh Pond Cascades FAIR Fair Haven Not Listed these falls are on an outlet stream from Old Marsh Pond and are within the Marsh Pond Wildlife Management Area; short hike required
VT Old Military Road Upper Falls unknown unknown Not Listed this is a rumored waterfall; no other information known
VT Old Stone Mills Falls unknown Clippenhook Not Listed this is a rumored waterfall on the Clarendon River; no other information known
VT Ottaquechee Falls POOR North Hartland Not Listed this waterfall on the Ottauquechee River was destroyed by the construction of the North Hartland DAM
VT Owen's Falls unknown Glover Not Listed this is a rumored waterfall; no other information known
VT Paper Mill Falls POOR Bennington Not Listed this is a DAM with some small natural cascades on the Walloomsac River; access via Murphy Road near its junction with VT 67A (North Bennington Road); GPS = 42.912804, -73.233691
VT Paran Creek Cascades POOR Bennington Not Listed this is a 6-foot tall waterfall on Paran Creek that is visible from VT 67A
VT Parish Brook Falls unknown Pawlet Not Listed this is a rumored waterfall on Parish Brook; no other information known
VT Passumpsic Cascades FAIR Passumpsic Not Listed this is a set of slides and cascades below a DAM on the Passumpsic River; GPS = 44.374844, -72.026219; the falls should be visible from Bridge Street and/or Town Forest Road
VT Pauls Falls FAIR Hinesburg Not Listed I believe this is the same waterfall as Mechanicsville Falls; the falls are supposedly reserved for guests of By the Old Mill Stream bed & breakfast
VT Pearl Street Bridge Falls POOR Johnson Not Listed this is a triple-tiered small waterfall on the Gihon River; access via Pearl Street
VT Pekin Brook Falls unknown Calais Not Listed this is a rumored waterfall on Pekin Brook that may or may not be accessible from Kent Hill Road; there is a very strong chance these falls are located on PRIVATE PROPERTY
VT Perkinsville Falls POOR Perkinsville Not Listed this appears to be a small-ish set of cascades besides the remnants of a DAM on the Black River
VT Peters Brook Falls GOOD Arlington Not Listed this is a small cascade on Peters Brook, which is also known as Fayville Branch; access via Ice Pond Road; falls should be roadside or near-roadside
VT Philura Falls & Big Rock Falls FAIR Williamsville Not Listed these are two waterfalls on Schoolhouse Brook within the Newfane Town Forest; a 0.8 mile hike one-way is required to visit both falls
VT Pierces Mill Cascades POOR St. Johnsbury Not Listed this is a DAM on the Passumpsic River that has some cascades below it; also known as Valley Falls
VT Pike River Falls unknown Enosburg Falls Not Listed this is a series of many cascades on the Pike River; all of these falls appear to be located on PRIVATE PROPERTY off of VT 108N; GPS = 44.988965, -72.814017
VT Pond View Farm Falls unknown unknown Not Listed rumored waterfall; no other information known
VT Pool of Jalna FAIR Enosburg Falls Not Listed private small horsetails and a swimming hole for guests of the Kingsley Mill Manor
VT Poor Farm Falls POOR Milton Not Listed this is supposedly one of the waterfalls on the Lamiolle River that was drowned by the construction of the Peterson DAM; also known as Miners Falls
VT Post Mills unknown Thetford Not Listed this appears to be a set of cascades on the Ompompanoosuc River; there may also be a DAM present here; GPS is likely going to be here = 43.882517, -72.261747
VT Power House Bridge Falls POOR Johnson Not Listed I can't tell if this is a DAM, a natural falls, or a combination of both; Gihon River; access is via VT 100C and School Street
VT Power Plant Falls POOR Marshfield Not Listed this is a 5 or 6-foot tall horsetail on the Winooski River; access is the same trailhead for Molly's Falls off Power Plant Rd
VT Punchbowl, The unknown Waitsfield Not Listed this appears to be a small waterfall and swimming hole on the Mad River; access may be possible from VT 100 (Main Street); GPS = 44.148259, -72.842385
VT Putnamville Falls FAIR Middlesex Not Listed this is a waterfall on the North Branch of the Winooski River that is heavily posted as PRIVATE PROPERTY; GPS = 44.341019, -72.565259
VT Quechee Village Falls POOR Quechee Not Listed this is a DAM on the Ottauquechee River that is visible from Waterman Hill Road or from the Simon Pierce Restaurant; the falls are just upstream of the Quechee Covered Bridge
VT Quimby Brook Falls FAIR Sutton Not Listed this is a series of cascades and waterslides on Quimby Brook; access is via Little Egypt Road
VT Raiche Brook Falls unknown Danby Not Listed this is a rumored waterfall on Raiche Brook; no other information known
VT Readsboro Falls FAIR Readsboro Not Listed this is a waterfall on the West Branch of the Deerfield River; access may be possible from the end of Howe Pond Road or a short walk from VT 100; I could not not find these falls in 2009 but I don't think I was looking in the correct place at that point in time; GPS = 42.803102, -72.974458
VT Reeds Falls GREAT Worcester Not Listed reaching these falls on Catamount Brook requires a difficult bushwhack of unknown distance; I am not sure if the falls can be approached from Hampshire Hill Road or from Elmore Road (VT 12), which would require a crossing of the North Branch of the Winooski River
VT Rices Mills Falls FAIR Thetford Not Listed this is a series of cascades on the West Branch of the Ompompanoosuc River; the falls appear to be visible from VT 132 near Ulman Road
VT Richford Falls POOR Richford Not Listed this is a small set of rapids on the Missiquoi River; GPS = 44.996247, -72.671298; the falls should be visible from VT 139 (Main Street)
VT Ridley Brook Falls FAIR Duxbury Not Listed these are small cascades on Ridley Brook off Camel’s Hump Rd; the best cascades along the brook are supposedly posted as PRIVATE PROPERTY and off-limits
VT Roaring Brook Falls (Wallingford) unknown Wallingford Not Listed this is a rumored waterfall on Roaring Brook; no other information known
VT Roaring Brook Falls (Westmore) unknown Westmore Not Listed this is a rumored waterfall on Roaring Brook; no other information known
VT Roaring Brook Falls (Bradford) unknown Bradford Not Listed this is a rumored waterfall on Roaring Brook between the Connecticut River and Blodgett Pond; access may or may not be possible from Roaring Brook Road
VT Robinson Brook Falls unknown Northfield Not Listed this waterfall on Robinson Brook is almost certainly located on PRIVATE PROPERTY
VT Rock River Cascades POOR Dover Not Listed these cascades on the Rock River are almost certainly located on PRIVATE PROPERTY
VT Rock River Falls unknown Williamsville Not Listed this is a rumored waterfall on the Rock River; the falls may or may not be close to the intersection of Depot Road and Dover Road / Grimes Hill Road
VT Rockingham Gorge Falls unknown Rockingham Not Listed this is a rumored waterfall; no other information known
VT Rocky Dale Falls POOR Bristol Not Listed this appears to be a small set of cascades a short distance downstream of Bartlett Falls on the New Haven River
VT Rocky Falls POOR Berlin Not Listed these falls on Chase Brook looks impressive, but I are almost certain they are located on PRIVATE PROPERTY; it may, however, be possible to ask the landowner for permission to visit the falls; access most likely via Chase Road
VT Ross Brook Falls GOOD Bakersfield Not Listed looks very promising, but I could not find in 2009; PRIVATE PROPERTY is the likely culprit
VT Sawyer Brook Falls GREAT Mendon Not Listed these impressive falls are on Sawyer Brook; the falls should be visible from the Canty Trail; moderate hike required
VT Seven Falls FAIR Hanksville Not Listed this is a series of small waterfalls and swimming holes on the Huntington River; the falls are located on PRIVATE PROPERTY and access is not currently permitted
VT Seymour River Falls unknown Cambridge Not Listed this is a rumored waterfall on the Seymour River that is almost certainly located on PRIVATE PROPERTY
VT Shaw Hill Brook Falls POOR Sherburne Not Listed this waterfall on Shaw Hill Brook is almost certainly located on PRIVATE PROPERTY; the falls should be partially viewable from River Road though
VT Sheffield Falls FAIR Sheffield Not Listed this is a set of small falls on Millers Run; access via VT 122 near the Post Office in Sheffield; access may also be possible from Chesley Hill Road
VT Sheldon Falls POOR Sheldon Not Listed this is a DAM with some small cascades below it on the Missisquoi River; GPS = 44.911006, -72.973579
VT Shepherd Brook Falls unknown Fayston Not Listed this is a rumored waterfall on Shepherd Brook; no other information known
VT Simpson Brook Falls POOR Waterford Not Listed this appears to be a small waterfall on Simpson Brook just east of where Bridge Street / Hale Road go underneath I-91
VT Slide Brook Falls unknown Warren Not Listed this is a rumored waterfall on Slide Brook; no other information known
VT Sloping Falls POOR Johnson Not Listed I visited these falls on the Lamoille River in 2002 but I was not impressed; these falls are just downstream from Dog's Head Falls; may not be viewable from the road once vegetation grows in the spring; also known as Bridge Falls as there is a natural bridge here (only visible during periods of low water); GPS = 44.625893, -72.680796; the falls are near where the Lamoille Valley Rail Trail crosses River Road East
VT Smith Falls unknown Hardwick Not Listed this is a rumored waterfall; no other information known
VT Smugglers Falls FAIR Smugglers Notch Not Listed this is one of the tallest chains of waterfalls in the Northeast, but it's extremely seasonal; reaching the falls requires an extremely difficult bushwhack; the falls drop a total of an estimated 800-900 feet
VT Snipe Island Brook Falls unknown Richmond Not Listed this is a rumored waterfall on Snipe Island Brook; no other information known
VT South Fork Woodbury Falls unknown Woodbury Not Listed this waterfall on the South Fork of Cooper Brook is supposedly located on PRIVATE PROPERTY
VT Spaulding Falls unknown Barre Not Listed this waterfall on Jail Branch is almost certainly located on PRIVATE PROPERTY
VT State Prison Hollow Falls GOOD Starksboro Not Listed this 15-foot waterfall is located on Lewis Creek; I was emailed by the landowner in August 2018 that the public is not welcome at these falls because they lie on PRIVATE PROPERTY
VT Sterling Brook Cascade FAIR Morristown Not Listed these falls on Sterling Brook look impressive per photographs I have seen, but the falls are supposedly only viewable from the road because they lie on PRIVATE PROPERTY; also known as Turtleback Falls; the falls are close to the junction of Sterling Valley Road and Dr. Neal Road; GPS = 44.510826, -72.666549
VT Stetson Brook Waterfall unknown Warren Not Listed this is a rumored waterfall on Stetson Brook; no other information known
VT Stevens Brook Falls unknown St. Albans Not Listed this is a rumored waterfall on Stevens Brook that is likely close to the junction of Jewett Avenue and Kellogg Road
VT Stevens Mills Falls unknown Richford Not Listed this is a rumored waterfall on Mountain Brook; no other information known
VT Stone Bridge Falls POOR Georgia Not Listed this appears to be a small waterfall on Stone Bridge Brook; the falls are close to the intersection of Stone Bridge Road and Sand Hill Road
VT Stonybrook Falls unknown Rutland Not Listed this is a rumored waterfall; no other information known
VT Sucker Brook Cascade unknown Castleton Not Listed these cascades on Sucker Brook to the east of Lake Bomosen are located on PRIVATE PROPERTY
VT Sugar House Falls unknown Shaftsbury Not Listed this is a rumored waterfall; no other information known
VT Sumner Falls POOR Hartland Page 31
this is a series of rapids and very small cascades on the Connecticut River; also called Wattockquitchey Falls, Water Ottauquechee Falls and Hartland Rapids; I visited in 2002 and was not really impressed
VT Sutton Falls POOR Barnet Not Listed these falls on Sutton Brook did not impress me when I visited them in 2002
VT Swanton Falls POOR Swanton Not Listed this is a DAM on the Missisquoi River; GPS = 44.920575, -73.127814; also known as The Falls, Allens Falls, and Taquahunga Falls
VT Sweet Hollow Falls unknown Fairfield Not Listed this is a rumored waterfall; no other information known
VT Tabor Branch Falls unknown Topsham Not Listed this is a waterfall on Tabor Branch near Powder Springs Road; it is very likely the falls are located on PRIVATE PROPERTY; GPS = 44.122261, -72.235818
VT Taft Brook Falls-Lower Falls FAIR Westfield Not Listed the lower falls on Taft Brook consist of an 8-foot falls plus some smaller cascades; access is via the Barrewood Campground
VT Taft Brook Falls-Upper Falls FAIR Westfield Not Listed the upper falls on Taft Brook consist of a series of small cascades; access via Balanced Rock Road
VT Taftsville Falls POOR Hartland Not Listed this is a DAM on the Ottauquechee River; the falls should be visible from Covered Bridge Road; GPS = 43.631147, -72.468310
VT Thatcher Brook Falls POOR Waterbury Not Listed cascades and falls below a dam on Thatcher Brook; these falls are upstream of the falls visible from the Hen of the Wood restaurant
VT Tinker Brook Cascades FAIR Plymouth Not Listed this is a set of cascades on Tinker Brook within the Tinker Brook Natural Area of Coolidge State Forest; reaching the falls requires a hike of unknown difficulty off Shrewsbury Rd or VT 100 (I'm not sure which)
VT Tolman Brook Cascades unknown Granby Not Listed this is a rumored waterfall on Tolman Brook; no other information known
VT Trout Basin unknown Stowe Not Listed this is a rumored waterfall on Gold Brook; also known as Gold Brook Falls; no other information known
VT Trout Brook Falls (Milton) unknown Milton Not Listed this is a rumored waterfall on Trout Brook; no other information known
VT Trout Brook Falls (Sharon) unknown Sharon Not Listed this is a rumored waterfall on Trout Brook; no other information known
VT Trout Hollow FAIR Warren Not Listed this is a waterfall on the Mad River that should be visible from Main Street; it is possible that the falls are completely surrounded by PRIVATE PROPERTY; GPS = 44.111918, -72.856665
VT Tubs, The GOOD Pownal Not Listed these falls on Wash Tub Brook are currently located on PRIVATE PROPERTY and there is no public access; hopefully these falls become conserved at some point because there is at least one fantastic swimming hole here; this is different from the "Upper Tubs" which is either conservation land or private property that appears to tolerate public visitors (I'm not sure which; this is all as of 2017)
VT Tumble Falls unknown West Haven Not Listed this is a rumored waterfall on Hubbardton Creek; no other information known
VT Tunnel Falls unknown Readsboro Not Listed this appears to be a small set of cascades on the Deerfield River; the cascades should be visible from VT 100; GPS = 42.783331, -72.960143
VT Twin Falls (Jamaica) unknown Jamaica Not Listed this is a rumored waterfall; no other information known
VT Twin Falls (Middlesex) unknown Middlesex Not Listed this is a waterfall on Great Brook that is located on PRIVATE PROPERTY off Old Brook Road; GPS = 44.297278, -72.669981
VT Tyler Branch Falls FAIR Enosburg Falls Not Listed this is a set of waterfalls on Tyler Branch that is located close to Tyler Branch Road; GPS = 44.866962, -72.786720; the falls appear to be surrounded by PRIVATE PROPERTY
VT Union Village Falls unknown Thetford Not Listed this is a rumored waterfall on the Ompompanoosuc River; no other information known
VT Upper Falls unknown Weathersfield or Perkinsville? Not Listed this appears to be a small set of cascades on the Black River; GPS = 43.373445, -72.513132
VT Upper Harmon Falls unknown Rupert Not Listed this is a rumored waterfall; no other information known
VT Upper Joiner Brook Falls POOR Bolton Not Listed this looks like a small waterfall on Joiner Brook very close to the Bolton Valley ski ara; downstream of the Bolton Valley Access Road; GPS = 44.408962, -72.869982
VT Upper Mill River Falls unknown Georgia Not Listed this is a rumored waterfall on the Mill River; no other information known
VT Upper Moulton Falls unknown Warren Not Listed this is a rumored waterfall; no other information known
VT Upper North Branch Falls unknown unknown Not Listed this is a waterfall on the North Branch of the Winooski River; you may be able to bushwhack to the falls from Elmore Road (VT 12); GPS = 44.4393 -72.5380
VT Upper Thatcher Brook Falls POOR Waterbury Not Listed this is a DAM on Thatcher Brook that has some cascades directly below it; the DAM and falls are located just upstream from a bridge on Mill Road; this is not the same as Thatcher Brook Falls that are located behind the Hen Of The Wood restaurant
VT Upper Twin Falls FAIR Westminster Not Listed this is a series of falls on the Saxtons River close to Covered Bridge Road; the falls may or may not be on PRIVATE PROPERTY; GPS = 43.116489, -72.456153
VT Upper Whetstone Falls POOR Brattleboro Not Listed this is a small urban waterfall on Whetstone Brook; access is via Williams Street, but you'll need to find a safe place to park on a side street
VT Vergennes Falls FAIR Vergennes Not Listed this is a large DAM with some cascades below it on Otter Creek; also known as New Haven Falls; access via Vergennes Falls Park
VT Waits River Falls POOR Bradford Not Listed this is a small set of cascades directly below a DAM on the Waits River; GPS = 43.991495, -72.129224; the DAM and cascades should be visible from South Main Street (VT 25B)
VT Warren Gorge Cascades POOR Warren Not Listed this is a DAM on the Mad River that has some small cascades directly below it
VT Water Andric Falls unknown Barnet Not Listed this is a rumored waterfall on Water Andric; no other information known
VT Waterbury Dam Falls POOR Waterbury Not Listed this is a set of cascades directly below a huge DAM on either the Little River or the Winooski River (I can't tell which from Google Maps); GPS = 44.380831, -72.767984
VT Waterman Brook Falls
(picture) camera icon
FAIR Johnson Not Listed I wandered upstream from Waterman Road to visit these falls on Waterman Brook in 2009, but it was very likely that I was crossing PRIVATE PROPERTY (although there weren't any "no trespassing" signs in place at the time); you are welcome to try to do the same as I, but if you see "no trespassing" signs, please turn around (and let me know too if you would)
VT Webb Falls GREAT Granville Not Listed these beautiful falls on Sandusky Brook are located on heavily posted PRIVATE PROPERTY! someone (or a nonprofit organization, like the VRC) really needs to offer the owner an attractive bid to buy and conserve this special natural attraction
VT Wells River Falls #1 FAIR Wells River Not Listed this is a small (less than 8 feet) cascade on the Wells River; access is via US 302; very short walk required
VT Wells River Falls #2 FAIR Wells River Not Listed this is a 6-foot waterfall on the Wells River; a very short hike is required
VT Wells River Falls #3 POOR Wells River Not Listed this is a 5-foot waterfall on the Wells River; access is via US 302
VT West Branch Falls unknown Thetford Not Listed this is a rumored waterfall on the West Branch of the Ompompanoosuc River; no other information known
VT Westford Falls unknown Westford Not Listed this appears to be a small waterfall on the Browns River; based on Google Maps, it seems likely that the falls are completely surrounded by PRIVATE PROPERTY; GPS = 44.617464, -73.008936
VT Weston Falls unknown Weston Not Listed this is a DAM on the West River that is located behind the Weston Historical Society Museums; GPS = 43.292849, -72.792782
VT Weybridge Falls unknown Weybridge Not Listed this is a DAM on Otter Creek that should be visible from Quaker Village Road; GPS = 44.066514, -73.217108
VT Wheeler Falls unknown Jamaica Not Listed this is a rumored waterfall; no other information known
VT Wheelock Falls FAIR Wheelock Not Listed this is a series of cascades on Millers Run or the Passumpsic River (I'm not sure which); the falls are very close to the junction of VT 122 or from Peak Road and should be at least partially visible from the road
VT Whetstone Falls POOR Brattleboro Not Listed this is just a DAM with a small set of cascades below it on Whetstone Brook; I visited these falls in 2016 and I was not really impressed; the falls located in the downtown Brattleboro area (which is up-and-coming if you haven't been lately); also known as Whetstone Brook Falls
VT White Hill Falls unknown Wardsboro Not Listed this is a rumored waterfall; no other information known
VT Windsor Falls FAIR Windsor Not Listed this appears to be a two-tiered waterfall on Mill Brook; the falls are visible from Main Street and may or may not also be visible from behind the American Precision Museum; GPS = 43.475103, -72.389661
VT Winhall River Falls POOR Rawsonville Not Listed this is a set of small cascasdes on the Winhall River; access should be possible from Cohen Road
VT Winooski Falls FAIR Winooski Not Listed this is a series of waterfalls over ledges on the Winooski River; there are good views from Cascade Way
VT Winooski Gorge POOR Winooski Not Listed the gorge should be visible from the Winooski Gorge Overlook Park and also the Casvant Natural Area
VT Wiswall Brook Falls unknown Townshend Not Listed this is a rumored waterfall on Wiswall Brook; no other information known
VT Witchcat Falls FAIR Bakersfield Not Listed this is a set of small waterfalls on Cooks Brook; unfortunately, the falls are located on PRIVATE PROPERTY; you can see some limited views from Witchcat Road, but that viewpoint is just not worth the effort to visit in my opinion
VT Woods Falls POOR Milton Not Listed this is a DAM on the Lamoille River; also known as Lower Falls; GPS = 44.638431, -73.162538
VT Wrightsville Reservoir Falls FAIR Putnamville Not Listed this is a block-type waterfall on the North Branch of the Winooski River; this may or may not be the same waterfall as "Putnamville Falls"; the best way to see these falls is actually by canoeing or kayaking a channel for approximately 2.0 miles
VT Wymans Falls GOOD Chester Page 26
this impressive falls on Whitmore Brook is located on property that is heavily posted as PRIVATE PROPERTY; the public is not currently welcome here

Last Updated: June 2017


If you want to try to discover even more waterfalls, here are some research tips. I use these same tips to help find more waterfalls for this site:
  • Scan through in-circulation and out-of-print waterfall and hiking guidebooks; try to obtain copies of out-of-print books through used-book stores or websites, or by searching through the Google Books website.
  • Review this great website: World Waterfall Database
  • Scan paper and online maps for towns and cities that have a “Falls Road” or "Cascade Road".
  • Look at topo maps to see where rivers drop dramatically in elevation in a short distance. Then either (a) review that area on Google Maps (using its terrain feature) or Google Earth; or (b) go actually hike or bushwhack up and down those rivers.
  • Examine both current and historical trail maps (including those 100+ years old because many waterfalls become "lost" over time).
  • When visiting waterfalls and swimming holes, talk to the local residents and ask if they know of any others nearby.
  • Scan through social media and photography websites (e.g. Flickr) that focus on waterfalls or photography of a specific region and/or state.
  • Search Google by a town or region
    • i.e. Danvers, Massachusetts waterfall
    • i.e. waterfalls near Danvers, Massachusetts
    • i.e. waterfalls of the Berkshires
    • i.e. best waterfalls in Maine
    • i.e. swimming holes Rangeley Lake
    • i.e. top waterfalls in Rutland county
  • Search Google by a nature park
    • i.e. waterfalls of Acadia National Park
    • i.e. Baxter State Park waterfalls
    • i.e. swimming holes White Mountain National Forest
    • i.e. waterfalls Green Mountain National Forest
  • Search Google by a river, brook or stream
    • i.e. "Halfway Brook" waterfall
    • i.e. "New Haven River" cascade
    • i.e. "Nancy Brook" falls
  • Follow waterfall-related Facebook “pages” and “groups”.
  • Talk to local nature photographers and/or follow their photography or hiking blogs.
  • Find people on Facebook or hiking forums who purposely seek out off-the-beaten-path places and read about their adventures.
  • Visit an existing waterfall and hike or bushwhack both upstream and downstream of the main waterfall for more waterfalls.
  • Search for old waterfall postcards, especially at antique stores and shows.
  • Look through Delorme's Atlas & Gazetteers, looking for marked waterfalls or symbols that represent waterfalls.
  • Periodically try to revisit waterfalls that are closed to the public. While odds are good that the falls will still be off-limits to the general public, there is always a chance that the land changed hands and is now open to visitors.
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Waterfalls, swimming holes, and hiking can be extremely dangerous. Hundreds of people have been injured or killed in the waterfalls and swimming holes of New England over the years. Never swim in strong water currents. Don't jump into a swimming hole without scouting it first. Do not climb up or along the side of waterfalls. Be wary of slippery rocks. Never swim in pools above waterfalls. Use of this website and all of its information is at your own risk! Newenglandwaterfalls.com will not be held liable for your actions. Be safe out there - and always use common sense!

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